So we all talk about calories but, if you were telled to explain to somebody what a calorie is, what would you say? Right you dont know.
The best way to begin is with the definition of a calorie: The technical definition of a food calorie (kilocalorie) is the amount of heat required to raise 1 kilogram (1 liter) of water 1 degree Celsius.
The word “calorie” is used interchangeably to describe the amount of energy in food and the amount of energy stored in the body as adipose tissue (body fat) and glycogen (stored carbohydrate). For example, a donut contains about 210 calories and a 25-minute jog on the treadmill burns off about 210 calories.
Note that when we speak about burning body fat we are talking about releasing calories from our body, burning them to fuel our activities.
So that leads us to the Law of energie balance:
The Law of Energy Balance:
To lose weight, you must burn more calories than you consume each day.
To gain weight, you must consume more calories Than you burn each day.
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