Myths about lifting weights!
How to squat in the perfect form!
Today i bring you a video made by strong lifts that teaches you the best technique to squat.
See this and learn.
How to stay motivated!
1- Get a partner
This is the most important thing because if you are committed with somebody "YOU MUST NOT FAIL".
2- Trace realistic goals
Dont dream to loud, you need hard work to stay fit fast and strong.
3-Get yourself new clothes.
When you reach your goals(lose weight, gain weight) buy yourself new clothes for your new weight as a reward!
4- Dont stick always to the same kind of training.
Do what work for you, not what work for the others, if you see results(more strength ,more size, less weight) you'll stay motivated!
5- Do a cheat meal every week.
If you do a cheat meal, you will increase your metabolism and you will have less cravings!
How many reps should I do ?
Why women should lift weights?
A lot of women don't want to do weight lifting because they think they will become like this :
How to gain Weight?
So you are too thin and want to gain weight? There are some things you can do that will put you on weight fast!
Understanding what you eat. (Part I)
The best way to begin is with the definition of a calorie: The technical definition of a food calorie (kilocalorie) is the amount of heat required to raise 1 kilogram (1 liter) of water 1 degree Celsius.
The word “calorie” is used interchangeably to describe the amount of energy in food and the amount of energy stored in the body as adipose tissue (body fat) and glycogen (stored carbohydrate). For example, a donut contains about 210 calories and a 25-minute jog on the treadmill burns off about 210 calories.
Note that when we speak about burning body fat we are talking about releasing calories from our body, burning them to fuel our activities.
So that leads us to the Law of energie balance:
Gain Muscle or Lose weight?
All the begginers have the same in mind. I will enter in a gym to burn fat and gain muscle! But how to do that?
Well I'm really sorry to inform that unless you have the Usain Bolt genetics you wont be able to do that.
You can do that but in different phases and the explanation is pretty simple. You have to be in caloric deficit to lose fat and to gain muscle you need to consume more calories than the ones that you spend.
Ok so lets go see the phases!
I recommend you to first loose weight, so if you're new go check our weight loss diet and do our full body workout and after the weight training do some steady state cardio (you dont need to do HIIT cause your heart rate level is high from the weight training.
Ok you are already skinny so what should you do? First of all you will cut on cardio. Second you will do our hypertrophy training to increase the sarcoplasmic mass, and you will do our bulk diet!
So you are now bulky and want to reduce the max body fat and increase the muscle density and tone!
Well do our max density and muscle tone training 5 times a week, do our cutting diet,and you can do 20 min of HIIT with 30 min of steady state cardio after the weight session!
Hi and welcome to Fit,Fast and Strong. In this website you will learn how to train, how to increase your strength, how to inscrease your stamina and how to be your best.
Dont expect that this is too easy but after your training you can go home and say : "Mum, I'm a true man !"
Be Fit, Fast and Strong.
C ya!
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